Veneto Region – Italy

Pilot Name: SVR Community of Practice to overcome labour mismatch


The overall objective of the pilot action is to identify a new way to produce and implement social innovation practices at regional level, coherent with the context and framework of existing policies, but innovative, co-created and based on open data (OD). This objective will be pursued through the establishment of an innovative Community of Practice of strategic actors (quadruple helix) for the territory, who play a role of “generators” of innovative ideas / services on the specific theme of skill mismatch, in a cooperative perspective and with shared responsibilities.

The main focus of the initiative is to design and small-scale test of innovative public-private services tackling labour mismatch, in terms of skills, between the demand and the supply of labour.



1.1 Mapping and mobilisation of relevant stakeholders / stakeholder engagement + Mapping and analysis of the regional context

– Preliminary survey on the possible stakeholders to be involved in the participation tables;

– Collection of expressions of interest;

– Studying and mapping of existing policies on income support and job re-qualification / re-integration (e.g.: citizenship income, Youth Guarantee, etc.), to define the context within which to intervene;

1.2 First meeting – 2 participatory tables on skill mismatch and final feedback meeting

– Methodology: focus group

– Theme: The mismatch from the point of view of the stakeholders – new perspectives and ideas from the ground.

– 2 focus groups: one involving the companies and their representatives; the other involving individuals operating in the “social” sphere;

– a feedback meeting of the possible “trajectories” emerged (problems, needs, common objectives).

1.3 Second meeting – Open Data Lab

– Methodology: one-day event with a seminar and a workshop part; the activities will have a predominantly interactive character, to allow participants not accustomed to working with the ODs to directly experiment and contextualize the use of data in their daily activities.

– Theme: Open Data to tackle labour mismatch.

1.4 First coherence check

– Verify the feasibility and consistency of the ideas proposed with the regional and national legislative framework regarding active labour policies (for example with income support policies, citizenship income, ESF, etc.).


2.1 Participatory workshops

– Methodology: participatory design techniques, based on the construction of scenarios, which, through the direct dialogue among the actors of the quadruple helix, allow mutual learning and generate alternative solutions and hypotheses from those already existing (for example: EASW – European Awareness Scenario Workshop, Action Planning, etc.). Technical support is provided for facilitation.

2.2 Second coherence check

– Verify the feasibility and consistency of the proposed ideas with the regional and national legislative framework regarding active labour policies (for example with income support policies, citizenship income, ESF, etc.).


To be defined on the basis of what emerged from the previous phases.


4.1 Training Platform + RESILIENT

– Introduce participants to the + RESILIENT platform: create, exchange, view content.

4.2 Facilitation activities

– Stimulation, animation and coordination of all collaborative activities.