Pilot Name: Developing a training programme on Social Entrepreneurship
The social economy is something new for Greece and REMTH’s pilot action is aiming to set some solid foundations from the beginning. This will be achieved with the capacity building of the enterprises and the individuals who operate to this sector. The main objective is to address the problem of the poor knowledge of the social economy law from the people/ entrepreneurs working on social enterprises or from those who intend to get involved in this sector
REMTH’s pilot action is a training programme addressed to entrepreneurs working on social enterprises or to people who intend to get involved in this sector. It involves seminars and study visits to social enterprises. REMTH will be the connecting link between all the actors and will have the overall responsibility for the materialization of the pilot action including the preparation and elaboration of the education programme and training material, the identification of the target group of pilot actions and their encouragement to be involved in the pilot actions.
Training Material created for the pilot
- Topic 1. Social economy
- Topic 2. Social innovation
- Topic 3. Open data