Scale OUT roadshow Webinar- Reti e Politiche per l’innovazione nello sviluppo territoriale: le azioni pilota del progetto +Resilient”

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Scale OUT roadshow Webinar martedì 21 dicembre dalle 11 alle 13  

Il webinar sarà l’occasione per la presentazione e la discussione delle tre azioni pilota condotte dai tre partner italiani del progetto +Resilient (ANCI, Regione Veneto, Camera di Commercio Treviso e Belluno). Il progetto, co-finanziato nell’ambito del programma Interreg Med, ha supportato iniziative territoriali di innovazione e sviluppo sostenibile. Il progetto è stato condotto da 14 partner in 8 paesi europei. I tre partner italiani hanno promosso iniziative sui temi dell’innovazione urbana, della valorizzazione delle competenze nelle politiche attive del lavoro, e del turismo sostenibile. La presentazione e il confronto delle diverse esperienze punta all’emersione di spunti condivisi su strumenti e soluzioni per l’innovazione nello sviluppo di città e territori.


  • Sandra Rainero e Francesca Nadalin (Regione Veneto) Promuovere l’incontro tra competenze e lavoro per lo sviluppo locale
  • Elena Zambelli e Roberto Sandrini (Camera di Commercio di Treviso e Belluno) La promozione della responsabilità sociale nel settore turistico
  • Massimo Allulli (ANCI) La ricerca sul Laboratorio di Innovazione Urbana Palazzo Guerrieri a Brindisi
  • Francesca Traclò (economista)











Transizioni urbane. Ipotesi per traiettorie di sviluppo locale a partire dal caso di Brindisi – Scale UP workshop webinar 20 dicembre

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Scale UP workshop webinar 20 dicembre dalle 11 alle 13  

Il webinar sarà l’occasione per la presentazione del rapporto della ricerca condotta da ANCI sulle diverse iniziative di sviluppo e partecipazione attivate dal Comune di Brindisi a partire dal Laboratorio di Innovazione Urbana Palazzo Guerrieri. La ricerca è parte dell’azione pilota realizzata da ANCI nell’ambito del progetto Interreg Med +Resilient, che unisce 14 partner in 8 paesi europei nel supporto all’innovazione nello sviluppo locale. Il webinar sarà l’occasione per mettere a confronto diversi strumenti per il supporto all’economia del territorio, con il contributo tra gli altri del partner di progetto Barcelona Activa, agenzia di sviluppo della Municipalità di Barcellona.

Introduce e Coordina   

  • Annalisa Gramigna (Ifel- Istituto per la Finanza e l’Economia Locale)


  • Massimo Allulli (Ufficio Studi ANCI)
  • Felice Addario (sociologo)
  • Davide Agazzi (Palazzo Guerrieri)
  • Giulio Gazzaneo (Consigliere Comune di Brindisi con delega a Palazzo Guerrieri)
  • Rosa Panades Blas (Barcelona Activa)
  • Deborah Galimberti (Dottoressa di Ricerca in Scienza Politica e Studi Urbani Università Milano Bicocca/Università di Lione)













6th + RESILIENT Transfer Webinar: Skills identification and development in Social Innovation

Posted Posted in News, Webinar

October 8th, 2021, 11:00 – 13:00 CET

The webinar will present the main contributions of the +Resilient Project in the field of the skills for social innovation and sustainable organizations. Starting from the +Resilient transnational study on skills and organizational elements assessment to foster social digital innovation, we will present the concrete pilot actions in different regions on the field.

The results of the project has provided new insights in the debate of the future of work by bringing the contributions from social economy and social responsiveness enterprises.


  • Introduction: Massimo Allulli – ANCI

PART I. +Resilient Transnational Study on Skills Identification and Development in Social Innovation

  • The +Resilient Research Results in the Debate of the Future of Work:   Lídia Arroyo – UOC
  • Skills and Capabilities for Social Innovation in the Veneto Region: Francesca Nadalin – Veneto Region

PART II. +Resilient Pilot Plan & Stakeholders

  • Pilot Plan in Barcelona: Skills Identification and Development in the Care Sector Rosa Panades – Barcelona Activa
  • Fundació BCN Formació Professional: The health and care sectors regarding the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Pau Alarcón & Ana Vicente– Fundació BCN Formació Professional

Q&A session

  • Conclusions – Closing Remarks: Lídia Arroyo – UOC

The webinar is open to public, but registration is required. Registration will be open until the 6th of October 2021 and all registered participants will receive the link for participation to the webinar.

5th Transfer Webinar: Social Innovation and Tourism

Posted Posted in News, Webinar

September 29th, 2021, 11:00 – 13:00 CET

The webinar will be the occasion to present and discuss activities developed in the framework of +Resilient and that directly involved Public Authorities. Study visits and pilot actions showed how Local and Regional Governments are key actors in supporting social innovation. The webinar will focus on the lessons learned on the role of Tourism sector in promoting Social Innovation and Clusters with high social vocation and responsiveness.


  • Greetings

Chamber of Commerce Treviso Belluno – Italy

  • +Resilient project presentation

 (Veneto Region – Italy)

  • Social Innovation and Tourism – keynote speech

Prof. Maurizio Busacca (University of Venice – Italy)

  • The initiatives enacted by the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso Belluno to foster and support social economy and tourism.

Simona Aceto (ECIPA – Italy)

  • The contribution of Open Data to tourism services

Duccio Schiavon (Quantitas Srl – Italy)

  • Tourism, social innovation, innovative local products in COVID 19 situation on countryside of Styria

Janja Viher, (Prizma Foundation – Slovenia)

  • Questions and answers

The webinar is open to public, but registration is required. Registration will be open until the 27th of September 2021 and all registered participants will receive the link for participation to the webinar.

4th Transfer Webinar: Participation and stakeholders’ involvement in social innovation process

Posted Posted in News, Webinar

September 28th, 2021, 11:00 – 13:30 (CET)

The webinar will be the occasion to present and discuss activities developed in the framework of +Resilient that are supporting participation and stakeholder’s involvement in the social innovation process.

A frequently quoted definition from Open Book on Social Innovation describes social innovations as:

New ideas (products, services and models) that simultaneously meet social needs and create new social relationships or collaborations.

In other words, they are innovations that are both good for society and enhance society’s capacity to act.

(Murray et al., 2010)

Participation and stakeholders’ involvement plays an essential role in social innovation. Engaging people and stakeholder’s involvement and cooperation in developing new ways of tackling social challenges that we are facing in our communities leads to more effective and more legitimate solutions accepted by the community. There are some key reasons why participation and stakeholder’s involvement is important for social innovation. Engagement:

  • enables a better understanding of social needs

  • enables diversity and provides a channel for new solutions

  • can increase the legitimacy of the solutions (projects/ decisions)

  • enables responses to complex challenges that require varied and unexpected sources offering diverse and new perspectives.

Evaluation of the Resilient + pilot actions showed an important methodological dimension of the pilot actions and that is that most partners have largely used participative methods at each step of the pilot action implementation. This is seen as one of the impacts of the Resilient project, which emphasized, from the beginning, the importance of participative process in social innovation dynamics and process.

The aim of this webinar is to share experiences, tools and lessons learned that could be used to boost greater participation and stakeholders’ involvement in the social innovation process.




Introduction +Resilient project and overview on transferring activities

Massimo Allulli (ANCI)

Boosting social innovation in Maribor city (tools and lessons learned)

Dušanka Lužar Šajt, Aljaž Brodnjak

Importance of involving citizens in identifying community challenges, proposing solutions, and strengthening cooperation among citizens and stakeholders in Maribor

Neva Pipan (Municipality of Maribor)



Community of Practice to overcome labour mismatch (Lessons learned and tools used to boost participation and stakeholders involvement)

Francesca Nadalin – Veneto Lavoro

Lorenzo Liguoro – Veneto Lavoro



Upskilling and training in care sector – importance, tools and lessons learned -participation and stakeholders involvement

Rosa Panades – Barcelona Activa

Jordi Picas –  Director of Innovation at Suara coop



Conclusion and wrap-up



The webinar is open to public, but registration is required. Registration will be open until the 26th of September 2021 and all registered participants will receive the link for participation to the webinar.

3rd Transfer Webinar: Incubating and Promoting Social Entrepreneurship

Posted Posted in News, Webinar

September 20th, 2021, 10:00 – 12:00 (CET)

This webinar will be the occasion to present and discuss part of the activities carried out during the +Resilient Project that contributed to foster social entrepreneurship and social innovation incubators. Based on pilot actions and study visits, this webinar will focus on sharing experiences and lessons learned from these activities. A pedagogical tool will be presented by Inter-Made, an incubator based in Marseille dedicated to social economy and social innovation, which was part of the +Resilient project.


  • Introduction 

    • The +Resilient project:  Francesca Nadalin (Veneto Region)
    • Presentation of the webinar: Francesca Petrella and Nadine Richez-Battesti (Aix-Marseille University)
  • +Resilient initiatives to promote social entrepreneurship and social enterprises

    • Developing a training programme on Social Entrepreneurship
      Nadia Karra (REMTH, Greece)
    • Social innovations for Sustainable Regional Development
      Ivana Nikles (Regional Coordinator for European Programmes and Funds of the Region of Istria)
    • Valentina Anic and Mihaela Pokos – Moneo Consulting
    • Social Innovation and Generativity in the Mediterranean City:
      Massimo Allulli (ANCI – National Association of Italian Municipalities)
    •  Questions and answers
  • Inter-Made, a social innovation and social economy incubator (Marseille)

    • Laura Sanna (Inter-Made, Marseille)
    • Questions and answers

The webinar is open to public, but registration is required. Registration will be open until the 17th of September and all registered participants will receive the link for participation to the webinar

2nd Transfer Webinar: Public Authorities and Public Policy in Social Innovation

Posted Posted in News, Social Innovation, Webinar

July 14th, 2021, 11:00 – 13:00 (CET)

The webinar will be the occasion to present and discuss activities developed in the framework of +Resilient and that directly involved Public Authorities. Study visits and pilot actions showed how Local and Regional Governments are key actors in supporting social innovation. The webinar will focus on the lessons learned on the role of Public Authorities in promoting Social Innovation and Clusters with high social vocation and responsiveness.


  • Introduction

Francesca Nadalin (Veneto Region)

  • Social Innovation and Generativity in the Mediterranean City

Massimo Allulli (ANCI – National Association of Italian Municipalities)

  • The initiatives enacted by the Municipality of Barcelona to foster and support social economy and innovation.

Rosa Panades Blas (Barcelona Activa)

  • The induction of social innovation – from failure to the Regional Center for Social Innovation

Helga Može (Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development – Istrian Region)

  • Discussant

Deborah Galimberti (PhD, University of Florence, Department of Political and Social Sciences)

  • Questions and answers

The webinar is open to public, but registration is required. Registration will be open until the 13th of July and all registered participants will receive the link for participation to the webinar

(registration is closed)

1st Transfer Webinar – Digital Tools in Social Innovation: Lessons from +Resilient Project

Posted Posted in News, Webinar

July 5th, 2021, 11:00 – 13:00 (CET)

The webinar will be the occasion to present and discuss the activities carried out so far in the context of +Resilient Project. Many of the activities (pilot actions, study visits, research) entailed the use and development of digital tools. These activities will give some inputs to discuss the potential role of digital tools in fostering social innovation and the creation of clusters with high social vocation and responsiveness.


  • Introduction
    • Francesca Nadalin –   Veneto Region
  • +Resilient Platform Presentation:  
    • Despina Mitropoulou & Kostas Papadimas – GFOSS
  • Pilots Presentation:
    • Paula Pena – Teresa Gaspar – Itainnova
    • Alexandra Mendonca & Ana Catita- RCDI
  • Q&A session
  • Conclusions – Closing Remarks:
    • Massimo Allulli – ANCI

The webinar is open to public, but registration is required. Registration is now closed. All registered participants will receive the link for participation to the webinar.

+ RESILIENT Webinar – Toolbox for Social Innovation

Posted Posted in Evaluation & Monitoring, News, Social Innovation, Webinar

April 13th, 2021, 10:00 – 13:00 (CET)

The +Resilient project is organizing a new webinar for presenting a toolbox for Social Innovation.

The aim of this

webinar is twofold:

  • to present existing tools and methodologies that can be used to support partners for social innovation projects

  • to illustrate these tools with use cases from partners

It is built upon a short online survey to know partners uses concerning different tools. This webinar is another step towards the Living Lab to elaborate the +Resilient toolbox.

The webinar is open to all partners, but registration is required.

Information will be sent to registered participants.

The programme of the webinar is available here.

Registration is now closed.

+RESILIENT 6th Webinar “Key Elements for Social Digital Innovation”

Posted 191 CommentsPosted in News

February 26th, 2021, 10:00 – 13:00 (CET)

The goal of the webinar is to provide insights on how to identify, generate and consolidate social digital innovation within organizations to make them more resilient. The webinar will transfer the results of the transnational study produced by the +Resilient project and will count on stakeholders with expert knowledge on social digital innovation.

The specific objectives of the webinar are:

  • Provide analytical and practical tools on how identify social digital innovation.
  • Identify professional skills and organizational settings to generate an inclusive social digital innovation for resilient organizations
  • Offer practical tools to analyze the sustainability of technological social innovations, as well as what actions allow it to adapt to new contexts and generate networks.

It is addressed to all stakeholders who are interested in implementation social digital innovation within their organizations.

It is organized by GenTIC-IN3, Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and will count on experts from:

The webinar is open, but registration is required.

The registrations are now closed.